Solutions for Agencies & Brand Managers

Sometimes opportunity knocks at the worst time.

The RFP of your dreams pops up when your best strategist is on maternity leave. An important client wants to multiply his budget at the same time as two other important clients. You've got more work than you can handle but no time for interviews. Whatever the reason you're short-staffed, we can step in to help, so you don't have to miss out on an opportunity to grow your business.

Amplify your team with SBI

We've got agency- and brand-side experience across dozens of verticals, so we can have your team's back with research and client-ready deliverables, effectively amplifying your bandwidth. Whether you need a full creative brief or just some help with secondary research, SBI has the knowledge and experience to fill in the gaps in your staffing.

Deliver on client expectations with deep insights.

Clients come to agencies for marketing expertise but, in order to demonstrate your expertise, you've got to come up to speed on the client's consumers … without the client's data. This usually means gathering and sifting through piles of information, trying to separate the signal from the noise, while Strategy and Creative wait.

SBI won't just dump more information for your already-busy team to review; we'll hone in on the insights that you can build campaigns around. And we'll do it on your timeline, so your team can get to work.

Have confidence your work will be effective.

Great pitch teams have a way of dazzling clients with a big idea, a simple truth, and gorgeous creative, making marketing look so easy. But insiders know that the 'big idea' is really the result of careful review of the research, and the pitch will only work if that big idea jives with the client's understanding of their customers. SBI can deliver the broad industry knowledge and deep consumer insights you'll need to impress your clients, whether your budget allows for an in-depth ethnographic study or a few hours of secondary research.

Take strategies from good to great.

Tiny improvements to digital experiences translate to improved conversion rates. But, by the time you've launched, all objectivity is gone. Employ SBI to be your ‘red team.' Our heuristic reviews and digital audits will yield actionable insights for optimizations that will take your work to the next level.


Contact us now and tell us a little about your needs and we'll get back to you ASAP. Or peruse some relevant expertise below.

  • Quick-Turn Briefing: Sometimes, the opportunity to pitch the ideal client comes when your lead strategist is on vacation. Sometimes, a chance meeting leads to an opportunity to pitch investors months before you planned. And, sometimes, you've got an urgent need to know if that idea that's been keeping you up at night is viable. Whatever the question, we'll sift through available information to get you insights quickly, so you can get answers in time.
  • Whitepaper: When you need research to guide a decision or collateral to sway customers, a whitepaper is just the ticket. Whether you've got broad questions about how macroenvironmental shifts will impact your business or specific concerns about a new decision or technology, we'll go deep on your question and help you refine your point of view.
  • Landscape Analysis: Whether you're considering entering a new market or simply refining your approach, we'll analyze the marketplace and report back so you can feel confident.
  • Creative Brief: The arduous work of defining your marketing strategy is wasted if the advertising falls flat. The best way to make sure that your ads are on point is to write a strong creative brief that leverages deep consumer insights to provide clear guidance to creatives. We can help.
  • Consumer Insights: Using primary, secondary, or mixed-method approaches to research, we'll study your customers and give you the insights you need to create a customer-centric strategy that will ensure you'll dominate your market.

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